Saturday, 24 August 2013

21 days to go

Only three weeks until I'll be waving goodbye to the lush lands of Europe and making my way to China and Tibet. I've finally managed to get most of my visas sorted, the only ones lacking are ones I have to apply for when I'm travelling or I get on arrival. I got my in transit visa for Sri Lanka (yep, you need one just to travel through Sri Lanka), and my Australian working holiday visa got approved last night so next summer will officially be spent Down Under cookin' some goodness for the folks!!!!!!!

The first in Nepal is being spent in The Last Resort, which in itself is seriously cool, though getting there really isn't. You have to cross the deepest gorge in Nepal on frikkin' rickety bridge and it's very possible that I'm going to die on that. Or poo in my pants, not quite sure yet.

This week I've been packing up my belongings in boxes, and can I just say that the amount of CD's and DVD's I own is ridiculous. And did I get rid of any? HELL NO. I did get rid of some books though which I feel I have earned a pat on the back for. I've also packed up some of my dishes, and have been really ruthless as to what I'm keeping and what I'm not. So I've only got one box of dishes and shizzle... Bloody miracle if you ask me. I am a bit sad to be leaving this flat behind me. I've been here for almost 3 years, and this place is so cute and nice and cozy and my first own home. Gonna get weepy.

I'm going to London on Wednesday to see my Dad, Moira and Fifi (and Saul too!), have some good times and then maybe weep a wee bit when I have to leave. We're doing dim sum in Chinatown and the Book of Mormon (yes, I know you're jealous, I mean it's Gavin Creel as Elder Price!!!!!!) and I get to check out my sister's new digs (stop growing up Moira).

I will be taking a wee tablet with me when I go travelling with a nifty keypad, so updating my blog won't be dependt on an internet cafe, but dodgy WiFi!! Also I am leaving armed with a folder full of NeNe Leakes, Honey Boo Boo, Glee gifs and many, many more. You're welcome.

Anyhoo, one must dash as one has to get ready for this weekend and it's celebrations. So many celebrations this weekend, folks!!!

It's very possible that this is gonna be me on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. If you don't resemble a dead Cooper on Monday I'm going to feel very disappointed.
