Friday, 6 September 2013

I just realized I'm actually going.

8 days to go. That's nothing.

It's finally hit me that I'm going. I'm going next weekend. 8 days. That's it. Then I'm off. This trip that I've been planning for so many years is finally happening. Kinda having my mind blown at the moment.

I've gotten most of my gear sorted; I've got a mosquito net, water purifying tablets, guide books, dry shampoo, new pants from Primark, space towels and toilet paper. I'm still struggling with what clothes to take with me, but I think I know which ones I want to take and eventually ruin with glorious sweat stains. So leaving the nicest ones home. 

I've been emptying out my flat and my god, how much stuff can one person accumulate over the years?? I boxed up more than ten boxes (and I was being ruthless with what I was keeping, how can I still have that much stuff??) that will be staying put in my friend Jenni's basement whilst I'm away, but all the rest is being given away. And that's a crapload of stuff. I just don't know where it all came from. 

The saviour among all of this is my Mum. I had a lot of trouble deciding what to do with my t-shirts with prints on them. I've got a lot, some which I haven't worn in ages but really like the print on it and don't want to give it away (for example, I've got my t-shirts from when I was volunteering in Peru and one has a pic of Macchu Picchu on it), but saving them and keeping them in boxes didn't seem quite right either. My Mother being this amazing human being told me to save them all and then give them to her, and she'll make a patchwork quilt from them all!!!! So I've got David Bowie, Superman, David Hassellhoff, McLovin' and other making appearances on the greatest quilt you will ever lay your eyes on. The greatest idea ever and I can't wait to come home it, kiitos Mamma <33

I've been at work all week, and will basically be working until the day I leave. I don't mind, because I'll have around 9 months of no work! BAHAHAHA. Also, I am being incredibly social next week, well done me. And I get to go to the hairdressers tomorrow, which I cannot wait for as I haven't been since December.... Whoops.

Anyhoo, toodles all. I'm going to go out and then enjoy the footie later tonight (Spain and Finland are playing at the Olympic Stadium here in Helsinki, vamos España! Though I'm not actually going, I have to settle for a bar)

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